Friday, January 24, 2014

Guys, Billionaire Man Offers N22 Billion To Any Man Who Can Turn His Lesbian Daughter Straight.

Ms Chao married her long-term partner Sean in a church ceremony in Paris in early 2012, but it was not until news of their union was printed in the Hong Kong tabloids that her father promised the million HKD fortune to any potential male suitor able to walk Gigi down the aisle.
Ms Chao had already told her father about her wedding, and said he was ‘surprised and unpleasantly shocked,’ but urged her not to make it public.more pic

When the plea for a man for Gigi spread over the world, the offers came pouring in.
‘War veterans from the US, someone from Ethiopia, from Istanbul, South America, Portugal, really just from all over the world,’ Ms Chao said.

'One American suitor wrote: "I’m interested in the offer. I am a male person, who also happens to be gay".''Ms Chao, an executive director at her father’s property development company, part-time pilot, and founder of anti-poverty charity Faith in Love Foundation, has maintained throughout her father's persistent quest that she knows he is only doing it out of love and concern.
'I understand that he loves me, it’s just he’s from another time and it’s difficult for him to understand the plight of the LGBT.
'At the office it’s business as usual. At family gatherings we hug and dance. And we just agree to disagree on what marriage is and family is.'...mehn where are my naija guys

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